Southern Marsh Orchid - June 1 | Yellow Lady's Slipper - June 3 | Bee Orchid - June 4 | Biting Stonecrop - June 4 | Carthusian Pink - June 4 | Common Cow-wheat - June 4 | Common Figwort - June 4 |
Common Ragwort - June 4 | Crown Vetch - June 4 | Dark Columbine - June 4 | Dyer's Greenweed - June 4 | Field Bindweed - June 4 | Field Cow-wheat - June 4 | Golden Alyssum - June 4 |
Greater Knapweed - June 4 | Hedge Woundwort - June 4 | Ivy Broomrape - June 4 | Lesser Londonpride - June 4 | Man Orchid - June 4 | Meadow Vetchling - June 4 | Mountain Clover - June 4 |
Musk Thistle - June 4 | Peach-Leaved Bellflower - June 4 | Tuberous Pea - June 4 | Viper's Bugloss - June 4 | Welted Thistle - June 4 | Yellow Woundwort - June 4 | Montpellier Milk-vetch - June 5 |
Three-leaved Valerian - June 5 | Tufted Milkwort - June 5 | Wild Pansy - June 5 | Yellow Alpine Pasqueflower - June 5 | Belladonna - June 6 | Creeping Cinquefoil - June 6 | Marsh Thistle - June 6 |
Purple Foxglove - June 6 | Alpine Buttercup - June 7 | Alpine Butterwort - June 7 | Auricula - June 7 | Bell Heather - June 7 | Branched St-Bernard's Lily - June 7 | Chamois Cress - June 7 |
Clusius's Gentian - June 7 | Garland Flower - June 7 | Harebell - June 7 | Moss Campion - June 7 | One-flowered Wintergreen - June 7 | Purple Saxifrage - June 7 | Red Raspberry - June 7 |
Spotted Gentian - June 7 | Alpenrose - June 8 | Alpine Clematis - June 8 | Alpine Clover - June 8 | Alpine Stonecrop - June 8 | Alpine Toadflax - June 8 | Marsh Violet - June 8 |
Mountain Everlasting - June 8 | Southern Butterwort - June 8 | Sticky Primrose - June 8 | Stinking Primrose - June 8 | Trailing Azalea - June 8 | Poet's Daffodil - June 9 | St Bruno's Lily - June 9 |
Dragon's Teeth - June 10 | Early Marsh-orchid - June 10 | Greater Burnet-saxifrage - June 10 | Hieracium bauhini - June 10 | Leafy Lousewort - June 10 | Masterwort - June 10 | Narcissus-flowered Anemone - June 10 |
Purple Gromwell - June 10 | Salad Burnet - June 10 | Birdsfoot Trefoil - June 11 | Fox and Cubs - June 11 | Guelder rose - June 11 | Tansy Phacelia - June 11 | Tufted Vetch - June 11 |
Cut-leaf Self-heal - June 12 | May Lily - June 13 | Winged Broom - June 13 | Wood Vetch - June 13 | Alpine Skullcap - June 14 | Birthwort - June 14 | Broadleaf Primrose - June 14 |
Butcher's Broom - June 14 | Chamois Ragwort - June 14 | Common Knapweed - June 14 | Field Woundwort - June 14 | Flower of Jove - June 14 | Heather - June 14 | Honeysuckle - June 14 |
Large Red Deadnettle - June 14 | Mouse-ear Hawkweed - June 14 | Prostrate Toadflax - June 14 | Red Helleborine - June 14 | Short-spurred Fragrant Orchid - June 14 | Summer Burnt Orchid - June 14 |